Memories Katsuhiro Otomo 720p Torrent _VERIFIED_

Memories Katsuhiro Otomo 720p Torrent _VERIFIED_


Memories Katsuhiro Otomo 720p Torrent

the surprise hit of 1989, otomo’s debut, still stands as one of the best anime films of all time. the script–a suicide bomber story set in a post-nuclear world–is horror-inducing, compelling and masterfully animated. it’s a film that asks a simple question: what would you do if you knew you could never die?

the film is well-known for its many memorable character designs from akio sugino (who would go on to work at studio ghibli). akira’s city is populated with characters in fantastic outfits, many of which have become pop culture icons, such as the mechaman and the punk musician kinniku-bō. the mechaman–a super-powered ruffian–speaks in a sloganized vernacular: a sort of formal japanese that reflects akira’s urban landscape. it’s an attempt to naturalize the characters, making them more relatable in contrast to the english-speaking characters of akira’s american take, but it’s also easy to see why it’s so recognizable.

kurosawa elaborated on this with the director’s cut of the film, where the english has been replaced with an american voice cast so that characters from both sides of the world can understand each other. most of the english words from the original version are simply cut out, making the dialogue a lot less threatening but also removing a lot of the film’s power. the result is a more traditional anime story–but a masterfully-built one.

taking place in the far future, akira displays an almost pristine aesthetic, with incredible movement throughout the city of neo-tokyo. its major characters are as perfect as any anime characters could be, with notable exceptions: the villain neo, an megalomaniacal leader who’s the embodiment of america’s war on terror and whose careless destruction is what brings the city to pieces. unlike other twisted supervillains, neo has no consistent motivation, other than being a mass murderer, which makes him the most heartbreaking character in the film. his sword-wielding face–and the heroes desperate battle with it–came to stand in for the too-often misunderstood troubles of the 80s-90s, and otomo, who began his career amid numerous controversies, would make those troubles a part of his legacy.

it is the key to a different dimension, a space where the rules of the world do not apply. it’s a dark and twisted place where nothing is what it seems to be. where they’re all demons and normal people are demon worshippers, where the only way to live is to use your “powers” without mercy to rip their soul from them and tear them apart. where all of your choices have consequences, your own body and mind are your only true judge. for the team of people who step into this world, the only way to survive is to kill everything that doesn’t have the same goal, but still come home alive. it’s a place where you face the truth of your existence, the cost of your actions, and the depth of how far you can fall.. (in case you’re wondering, it’s actually called hell.)
1. you’re in a world of demons and monsters where even “normal” people worship them. but it’s not a post-apocalyptic world, this is a world that’s been around for thousands of years, so even the average churchgoer would have known that they were walking into this hell. the weird thing is, though, they all seem normal..
3. its a place for special individuals, called reapers, to step in and kill everything that doesn’t serve the same purpose as them. their goal is to kill people with no regard for their own lives, while everyone else kills because their goals suck.
6. along the way, you learn about the powers and motivations of everyone you come across. and when you’re not trying to kill people, you’re trying to stop demons from taking your friends and family away. then the weird thing happens – you start to like it. even though it sucks, you can’t help but smile and grin. you feel the same way when you’re in a basketball game with your best friend and you’re both the only one’s on your team.