GeoLock 5.60 Crack Download







GeoLock License Key Full Free [Mac/Win]

GeoLock Serial Key is a small Tor client application that allows advanced users to choose their geolocation.
GeoLock is a Tor client that will cache your external IP address so that you won’t have to re-enter it every time you launch the client.


The Tor client must have a new identity. This identity is automatically generated every five minutes. The IP address will be different from the previous one.
Geolock will check to see if it can use a new identity. If it can’t use the new identity, it will give you the chance to choose a new identity.
When Geolock is first started, you’ll be asked to enter a new IP address. After five minutes, GeoLock will run and check your geolocation.

The installation will require a few modifications to the Tor configuration. You can follow these instructions.

You will need to edit your torrc file. Go to the directory you installed Tor into.
cd /path/to/tor
cd /path/to/tor/etc
gedit torrc

Find the line:
Country= (Default=)

And change it to:

Alternatively, you could change it to:

Save the torrc file and exit the file.
Then you’ll need to set your proxy settings in the “Network Settings” tab of the “Tor Control Panel”.
(Launch Control Panel on the desktop.)
Then go to “Networks” and double click “Tor.” You should have three tabs.
First tab is “General Settings.” Set your name under “General.”
Then go to “Settings” and set the “IP addresses for when Tor control panel is launched” under “Use a different IP for each website” and set the number to “1.”
The next tab is “Network Settings.” Click “Manual” and set your local IP address to the same address that the country you’re choosing is. (Note: By default, there’s no value set for “Local IP”. Set a value or, leave it blank.)
If you have a dynamic IP address, you’ll need to change this to the IP address of your router.
The next tab is “Control Panel.” You’ll see an IP address in this list. That’s your IP address that GeoLock will use. If you

GeoLock Crack + [Latest 2022]

-:SetKEYMACRO(ZONE, TYPE, N, NAME, DIR, NEW) – Sets a new home-directory for a zone, the zone must be specified using ZONE. This zone must be of the TYPE given. The number of the zone (for example, 0,1 or 2) must be given using N. The directory must be given using DIR. The user’s new name will be given using NAME. The new directory will be created in the directory given by DIR.
-:DeleteKEYMACRO(ZONE) – Deletes the home-directory given by ZONE.
-:GetAllKEYMACRO() – Returns a list of all user’s home-directory zones.
-:SetKEYMACRO(VAL, TYPE, N, NAME, DIR, NEW) – Sets a new VAL to a home-directory for a zone, the zone must be specified using ZONE. This zone must be of the TYPE given. The number of the zone (for example, 0,1 or 2) must be given using N. The directory must be given using DIR. The new name will be given using NAME. The new directory will be created in the directory given by DIR.
-:DeleteKEYMACRO(VAL, TYPE, N, NAME, DIR) – Deletes the home-directory given by VAL, the zone must be specified using ZONE. This zone must be of the TYPE given. The number of the zone (for example, 0,1 or 2) must be given using N. The directory must be given using DIR.
-:GetAllKEYMACRO() – Returns a list of all user’s VALs.
-:AddSpoofCHIP(CHIP) – Add a spoofed CHIP to user’s home-directory.
-:RemoveSpoofCHIP(CHIP) – Remove a spoofed CHIP from user’s home-directory.
-:GetAllSpoofCHIP() – Returns a list of all CHIPs that the user spoofed.
-:GetAllCHIPs() – Returns a list of all CHIPs that the user has.
-:GetStatus() – Returns the user’s active status.
-:SetStatus(STATUS) – Sets the user’s active status.

KEYMACRO Commands:

GeoLock Patch With Serial Key

GeoLock is a program that checks the geolocation of every exit node. It refreshes every 5 minutes and by checking the user’s external IP address, it will only send requests to valid and correct exit nodes, instead of non-exit nodes like proxy servers, web accelerators, Tor relays, and exit nodes that are outside the normal exit path of your connection.
Currently available options include:
1. Changing the Exit Country:
2. Changing the Exit Country for all users
3. Change Exit Country for specific Users
4. Change Exit Country for specific Exit Servers
5. Exit the Tor network
6. Exit the Tor network for specific connections

If you are only trying to change your exit location or exit node, please do it with the Tor bridge.

If you need to make your exit node available for people that aren’t using your exit node, please use the Service Script.
If you need to have multiple exit nodes, please use the Tor bridge.
If you have multiple exit nodes, the Exit Country option will work best.
If you have multiple exit nodes, the Exit Country for Users option will work best.
If you have multiple exit nodes, the Exit Country for Exit Servers option will work best.

To change your exit location, use the Change Exit Country and Exit Country for Users options.
To change the exit location for all users, use the Change Exit Country for All Users option.
To change the exit location for specific users, use the Change Exit Country for Specific Users option.
To change the exit location for specific exit servers, use the Change Exit Country for Exit Servers option.
If you exit the Tor network, use the Exit for specific connections option.
If you don’t want the exit node to be part of the exit path, use the Exit the Tor network for specific connections option.
If you need to have multiple exit nodes, use the Exit for specific connections option.

This program was written by Chris S. Bailiff
GeoLock uses the code from libtorrent, so I need to thank it’s author, Phil Gimesy, for his permission to use it in GeoLock.
If you see this message and this program and your use it on the public

What’s New in the GeoLock?

GeoLock runs as a userscript inside of the Tor browser, as well as a system service that can be run by the user and communicates directly with the Tor server. The script itself doesn’t need to be patched as it’s ran as the Tor Browser application.


Ability to restrict or allow the exit node from a certain country.
Ability to redirect or to mask the exit node geolocation.
Ability to change the country used to determine the user’s location.
Ability to allow or to block exit nodes from a specific ISP or DNS provider.
Ability to change the number of exit nodes the user uses.

How does GeoLock work?
The Tor browser uses Tor to connect to the Internet. The browser is run on a virtual machine, Tor is run inside of that virtual machine. The user’s Tor settings are stored in a cookie.
GeoLock will run as a userscript inside the Tor browser. The script will request the user’s IP address and will poll the Tor server every 5 minutes to see if there is a new IP and geolocation that is not in the user’s settings. If a new IP and geolocation is found, a hook is made in the Tor program and new identity is requested until the user’s requirements are met.
In the event of a new IP and geolocation that doesn’t meet the requirements, GeoLock will attempt to change the user’s settings to meet the requirements.
In the event of the Tor server refusing to give a new identity to the user, the user will be informed of this and given the ability to opt-out of this feature, should they desire.
All requests will be logged in the userscript’s local storage in a JSON format.

Where can I find more information about GeoLock?
All related information can be found in the documentation tab.
The source code for the userscript can be found at the link below.

It is also a good place to check if you encounter issues.

How does it work?
It’s a bit technical, but if you’re curious there is a very simple demo video that will show how it all works.


Run the script
Open Tor Browser and go to the “Manage Tor Scripts” tab and click the “Start Tor Script” button, or, just run the userscript as a system service.

Add the script to the list of scripts that must be started before you log in. This is done by!!HOT!!!!BETTER!!!FULL!

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1 or Windows 10
Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-6600
Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce GTX 970
Hard Drive: 30 GB
Sound Card: DirectX 11 compatible
Network: Broadband Internet connection
DirectX: DirectX 11
Additional Notes: The computer and monitor resolutions must be set to 1080p or greater. (1080p recommended)
Additional Notes: The mouse must be a standard mouse and not a wireless one. If you