FastReverseDNS Crack Download







FastReverseDNS Crack+ [April-2022]

“FastReverseDNS Cracked 2022 Latest Version allows you to quickly find reverse DNS records for hostnames of any IP address. Cracked FastReverseDNS With Keygen supports the reverse DNS lookup of IPv4 and IPv6, and both DNS A and NS records (with a brief exception for certain NS records).” (

Your Command-Line Program?
What do you think it would take to make a C# program that would take a list of IP addresses (and it may be a range of IP addresses) and run a DNS lookup for each IP?
Of course this isn’t your typical command-line application.
I would like to think that this would be more like a.NET App, but I am just starting out on C#. I need to find a good site to read up on C#.
This isn’t for homework, I am just beginning to learn C#.
Any suggestions?
Is there a C# tutorial?
Is there a site that can help me understand C# better?
Any help is appreciated!
Thank you!


You can use TcpClient class to connect to a host, get IP and UDP ports from the host. Then use Socket class to do reverse DNS lookup.
TcpClient client = new TcpClient();
client.Connect(IPAddress.Parse(“Ip of server”), 3000);

Socket socket = client.Socket;
byte[] buffer = new byte[100];

int bytesRead = socket.Receive(buffer);

string result = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
string[] parts = result.Split(‘.’);
string[] sp = parts[1].Split(‘:’);
string ip = sp[0].Trim(‘.’);
string port = sp[1].Trim(‘.’);

Console.WriteLine(ip + “.” + port);

Hugh Hefner, publisher and founder of Playboy magazine, died at the age of 91 on Wednesday, and a flood of remembrances and tributes have been surfacing online. Here’s the story of how Hef and Playboy changed the face of media, and the legacy he left behind.

How Hef and Playboy Changed the Face of Media

Born in 1925 in Chicago, Hefner began contributing articles to the Chicago Sun in

FastReverseDNS Crack With Keygen

IP-ReverseDNS – Checks the IPv4 address in the hosts file against a reverse DNS lookup
IP-Lookup – Performs a reverse DNS lookup on a given IPv4 address
InfoPage 1: – Links to all of the various sub-categories within the FastReverseDNS Crack
InfoPage 2: – Main page that describes the tool and its features
InfoPage 3: – Quick reference list of a bunch of useful IP address ranges

IP-ReversedNS is a command line tool that displays the reverse DNS mappings for one or more IP addresses. Using the IP-ReversedNS, you can view the reverse DNS mappings for a host from the hosts file, provided that you can determine the IP address of the host. IP-ReversedNS is intended to be used while performing information gathering in an information gathering phase of a network vulnerability assessment. IP-ReversedNS can be used to see whether a host has a reverse DNS entry in the hosts file, to find out what a given IP address resolves to, or to collect a list of reverse DNS mappings for a list of IP addresses.
Overview of a command line IP-ReversedNS tool:
IP-ReversedNS will use the hosts file to find out what the given IP address is mapped to. If the given IP address is not in the hosts file, then IP-ReversedNS will attempt to perform a reverse DNS lookup on the IP address. The hosts file has a large number of entries, so IP-ReversedNS will cache DNS lookups for the most popular addresses. This will make it possible to run IP-ReversedNS on a number of IP addresses quickly.
If you do not specify an IP address, IP-ReversedNS will list all of the entries in the hosts file.
IP-ReversedNS is a command line application, which means that you need to open the command prompt and run the tool. IP-ReversedNS is compatible with the Windows operating systems from XP through Windows 10.
Installing IP-ReversedNS:
There are a number of ways in which you can install IP-ReversedNS on your PC. You

FastReverseDNS Crack+

This free tool is a great reverse DNS lookup tool. You can pass it a range of IP addresses and it will give you the reverse DNS.
You can do a reverse DNS lookup for specific IP address too.
In addition to this, you can pass it a range of IP addresses and it will run the DNS query on each of them in the range.
The tool will return the reverse DNS for each IP address and it will store the results in a CSV file. The CSV file will have one row for each IP address.
Each row will contain the reverse DNS returned by the DNS server.
In the future you will be able to parse the CSV file, parse the data in the CSV file and then save the data in a database.
You will be able to do a reverse DNS lookup and store the results in a MySQL table.
You will also be able to save the results to CSV file and SQLite file.
This tool can be extremely useful while performing information gathering for a network vulnerability assessment.
Current Features:
* Reverse DNS lookup for an IP address.
* Reverse DNS lookup for a range of IP addresses.
* Reverse DNS lookup for multiple domain names.
* Reverse DNS lookup for multiple domain names with wildcards.
* Reverse DNS lookup for multiple domain names with a wildcard.
* Reverse DNS lookup for multiple domain names with a wildcard and a specific IP address.
* Reverse DNS lookup for multiple domain names with a wildcard and a specific IP address.
* Reverse DNS lookup for multiple domain names with a wildcard and a specific IP address.
* Reverse DNS lookup for multiple domain names with a wildcard and a specific IP address.
* Reverse DNS lookup for multiple domain names with a wildcard and a specific IP address.
* Reverse DNS lookup for a single domain name.
* Reverse DNS lookup for a single domain name.
* Reverse DNS lookup for a single domain name with a wildcard.
* Reverse DNS lookup for a single domain name with a wildcard.
* Reverse DNS lookup for a single domain name with a wildcard and a specific IP address.
* Reverse DNS lookup for a single domain name with a wildcard and a specific IP address.
* Reverse DNS lookup for multiple domain names with a wildcard.
* Reverse DNS lookup for multiple domain names with a wildcard and a specific IP address.
* Reverse DNS lookup for multiple domain names with a wildcard and a specific IP address.
* Reverse

What’s New In?

FastReverseDNS is an utility for the reverse DNS lookup. It can be used to find out an IP address from the domain name.

The application’s script creates a list of IP addresses that are starting with a specified domain name.
The application works by sending requests to the DNS server directly.

The application doesn’t support IPv6 addresses.

The application currently doesn’t support large ranges.

For this reason the first IP address is always returned by the application. The search will stop once the number of IP addresses returned by the DNS server exceeds a specified threshold.
If the number of IP addresses returned by the DNS server is larger than the specified threshold, the application will keep sending DNS requests until the DNS server responds with zero results.

Use the script to lookup the domain name “” and receive a list of all the IP addresses that are associated with it:
Get FastReverseDNS and try out the example on the application’s web site to see what the application can do for you.

To make the application work you will need to install a DNS server such as Dns2000. You can learn more about DNS servers and how they work by reading this article.

Technical specifications:

FastReverseDNS uses the* API for DNS requests.

The application uses the following Java class:

The following dependencies are required by the application:


The application needs a working network connection to be able to perform reverse DNS queries.

The application’s script generates a set of Java bytecode files that are needed to run the application.

The following dependencies are required by the application’s script:

Java Runtime Environment

The following dependencies are not required by the application’s script:


Download FastReverseDNS

FastReverseDNS uses the following licenses for commercial use:

FastReverseDNS is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.

The following licenses apply for non-commercial usage:

FastReverseDNS is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1.

License files for all supported languages are included.

Instructions on how to generate a Java archive (JAR) file for the application’s scripts can be found on the application’s web site.

A screenshot of the application and a video demonstration can be found

System Requirements For FastReverseDNS:

Requires Windows 8 or Windows 10.
Some older computers may not run well with Windows 10.
This is a Windows app.
Open the app and select “New Project” to download the installer.
Run the installer, it should launch the app by itself.
Click on the hamburger menu to launch the app. You may need to scroll down to find the app.
Follow the prompts to begin your first installation of the app.
After the app completes installing,