Dnsping Crack Full Version [Mac/Win] [2022]







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dnsping Crack Mac is a tool that can be used to determine if your DNS server is working properly or not.
You can use the optional DNS server IP Address or DNS server host name.
First, you need to run the dnsping command and input the server name or address.
dnsping [-o] [-H] [-r] [-T] [-t] [-N] [-n] [ -u] [ -a] [ -c] [ -d] [ -G] [ -g] [ -j] [ -l] [ -m] [ -s] [ -S] [ -V] [ -w] [ -x] [ -y] [ -y1] [ -z] [ -z1] [ -z2] [ -z3] [ -x] [ -a] [-s] [ -v] [ -f] [ [-n] [ ]]
Or [dnsping.com
Alternatively, you can run the program from a web browser by using dnsping.com to go to the main page for dnsping.
Then, you can enter the same details in the form to determine your DNS server is working properly.
dnsping will output whether your DNS server is responding to ping or not.
If it does not respond and displays a status of 0 or no data returned, then it will indicate a problem.
Please make sure your DNS server is working properly before reporting an error.
When testing, use a static IP address that is un-routable.
dnsping -r -T -t -N -n -u -o -a
To test other DNS servers or DNS domains, add the domain name to the server address:
dnsping www.example.com -r -T -t -N -n -u -o -a
For example, using the ipconfig command, the ip address of your DNS server can be converted to a friendly IP address such as:


To test, enter the following command:
dnsping IpAddress


If all checks out, you should see your test worked.
If you get

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dnsping is a simple little tool that allows you to ping a DNS server.
You can list the DNS servers available in the list or use the ‘-i’ option to specify a specific IP. You can also specify time intervals, you will be able to ping a DNS server for up to five minutes if you specify the ‘-t’ option.
The ‘-h’ option will display the system help.
Running from the command line
dnsping should be run from the command line.
When run from the command line the program will print to STDOUT (standard output).
If the DNS server responds to the ICMP ping you will see the response in your shell.
How to add/remove a DNS Server:
If you wish to add or remove a DNS server from your DNS query list you should use the ‘-i’ option.
The ‘-i’ option will be the IP address of the DNS server you wish to add/remove.
The DNS server will be added to the DNS query list.
The program is designed so that if the DNS server is down or unreachable you won’t notice.
In the case of a down DNS server you will still be able to run the command and it will still request that DNS server.
The program will not, however, provide any sort of status on the DNS server and will still give the same output.
If you use the ‘-i’ option you can also add multiple DNS servers and you should use ‘;’ to separate them.
If you only specify one DNS server the program will provide a confirmation message and also remove the DNS server from the query list.
How to specify multiple time intervals to ping a DNS server:
When using the ‘-t’ option you should specify the amount of time you wish the program to have to ping a DNS server.
This is measured in minutes.
To specify multiple time intervals you should use ‘;’ to separate them.
You can use any amount of time to specify in a comma separated value.
Examples of usage:
dnsping is designed to be simple, accessible, and useful.
I hope you like it.
I also hope you find it helpful.
If you have any questions please use the github

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dnsping was built do be a simple, accessible little application that can ping a DNS server.
The program is written in C# and can be run from the Command Line Interface or CLI of your operating system.
When the program is run, it will display the numeric IP Address of the DNS server (if it works) or it will tell you that no servers were found (if DNS is not correctly configured or if the DNS server does not answer).
Regardless of the result, the program will print out information about the server on standard output.
It’s not a matter of reinventing the wheel, dnsping is very straight forward and simple.



Brendan Smith29 Jan, 2010

The app is not usable at the moment, it does not work.

Mark Lund30 Jan, 2010

Is there any way to configure default dns settings through command line?’s sufficient to get God’s attention

If you are growing in your relationship with God, you will begin to see God’s attention in those aspects of your life that haven’t yet been transformed.

Take a look at the following list of characteristics of a Christian to show you that God is not subtle.

We must grow in our faith daily in order to be born again, and this growth is seen in our daily life (daily walk, daily work, daily prayer and dedication to Bible study). It is very clear when we see the fruit of the Spirit in others. We see it in the things they do and say and how they affect those around them.

Are you experiencing this growth in your life? If not, ask God to show you so you can catch the glimpse of His grace He is showing you today.


About matthew

My name is Matt. I am passionate about helping people explore the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am an author, speaker, and blogger. I have a heart to help people find truth and relevance through Jesus Christ. I started this blog to help pastors and church planters with their daily tasks so they can have time to preach and teach and lead their people closer to the Lord.

I thought you should know that many of your readers have been participating in several kinds of blogging groups recently which have introduced them to the existence of some new online tools. These tools include social networks, like Facebook and Twitter, and weblogs, or blogs, like this one

What’s New in the?

The dnsping utility is a ping program that will automatically ping a
given DNS server or network name you provide and print out the
resulting information like response time, IP address, and additional
information such as name servers or mail servers.
Version 3.0.0
See the changelog for full update history.
• Can be run from CLI or Console Window.
• Shows basic ping information like response time, roundtrip time,
response code and IP address.
• Prints more detailed information like headers,
name servers, reverse lookups, mail servers, etc.
• Fully compatible with Windows, Linux, and MAC OS X.
0. Run dnsping from CLI or Console Window.
1. Run dnsping from a specified IP Address or DNS server name.
2. Use the -help option for a description of all available options.
See the dnsping documentation included with the download for more
details on all the options you can pass to the utility.
The following command will automatically ping IP address and display
the ping results.
See the dnsping documentation included with the download for details on the
commandline options you can pass to the utility.
Copyright © 2007-2008, David Maddux. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
3.0.0 – Version 3.0.0 – Dec 30, 2009
Updated copyright information and the documentation.
Updated SHA256 Checksum for the download package.
1.0.0 – Version 1.0.0 – May 15, 2007
Public Release.
Started.The best-selling author of the mega-successful “Game of Thrones” series George RR Martin has come up with a new single-player video game based on the popular HBO hit.

In A Song of Ice and


System Requirements:

Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 1800+ / 2.0 GHz
Memory: 128 MB RAM required
Hard Disk: 2 GB available space
Video Card: Direct X 9.0 compatible graphics card, 64 MB VRAM
Input device: Keyboard and Mouse
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card
Graphics card driver: Open GL 1.1 (version 9.0)
Recommended: DirectX 9.0 compatible graphics card, 128 MB VRAM
