Business 360 Crack Product Key [Win/Mac] 👌







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Do you have to constantly change your business contacts, tasks, orders and other details? If yes, then it’s time to switch to a more organized approach.
With Business 360 Cracked 2022 Latest Version, you can store all the details about your contacts, orders, tasks and much more in a handy database, search for specific items and set up your business life in a very easy-to-use and intuitive way.
Business 360 Features:
? You can store your contacts and create and manage multiple address books? What is a contact?
? You can create multiple contacts with multiple details, such as names, phone numbers, emails, etc.? Search for contacts?
? You can store all your orders, specify their prices, description, customer details and more.? View your order history?
? You can keep track of your business tasks and automate daily activities? Save your business tasks?
? You can set up a reminder system for all your tasks.? Add your projects to a calendar?
? You can analyze and manage your business finances? You can generate useful reports?
? You can create templates for sending email and text messages.? Send email and SMS messages?
? You can view your contacts and contacts details.? View all contacts lists in the browser?
? You can easily find a contact using the filter search tool? Find a contact by their name, phone number or email.? Edit contacts details?
? You can set up recurring tasks.? Add a task as a to-do list?
? You can save messages from email clients? View your contact list in email client?
? You can export your contacts and addresses? Export contacts as text files, CSV files or HTML files.? Import contacts from address book?
? You can export your contacts as a CSV file and import it into another application.? Import contacts from CSV file?
? You can sync your contacts between your PC and mobile devices? Sync contacts between your PC and mobile devices?
? You can export and import contacts from the browser interface? Export contacts from the browser interface?
? You can export and import contacts from the native interface? Export contacts from the native interface?
? You can send an email message to a contact? View a contact’s details in the browser interface?
? You can find and edit contacts details? Edit contacts details?
? You can find and edit contacts’ addresses? Edit contacts’ addresses?
? You can edit your contacts’ details? Edit contacts’ details?
? You can edit your contacts’ addresses? Edit

Business 360 Free Download

Keymacro is a useful and easy-to-use database and search tool for business managers. It can be used to manage a company’s contacts and contacts information, tasks, opportunities, orders, communications, marketing campaigns, finances and more.
– Manage contacts
– Add contacts to a database
– Look up contacts with ease
– Edit and copy contacts
– Add or delete contacts
– Add notes
– Specify visibility settings
– Create lists
– Switch back and forth between a contact’s public and private information
– Switch back and forth between different people’s contact info
– Search for contacts with ease
– Select a specific contact record
– Filter contacts by certain characteristics
– Filter out contacts
– Sort contact lists by date, name or visibility
– Filter contacts lists by any characteristic
– Save contact lists to a file
– Manage tasks
– Create a task
– Add or modify a task
– Add a task to a specific date, week or month
– Add a task to a specified list
– View a task
– Switch back and forth between tasks
– View tasks by date, name, list or visibility
– Sort tasks by any characteristic
– Create or delete tasks
– Filter tasks by date, name, list or visibility
– Add or modify task notes
– View task notes
– Filter task notes by date, name, list or visibility
– Delete task notes
– View or edit tasks and task notes
– Assign tasks to specific people
– Specify what should happen after a task is finished
– Filter tasks by people
– Move tasks to a different list
– Switch back and forth between tasks and tasks lists
– Manage opportunities
– Add an opportunity
– Look up an opportunity with ease
– Edit or modify an opportunity
– Add or delete an opportunity
– Switch back and forth between opportunities
– Create opportunities
– Delete opportunities
– Filter opportunities by date, name, list or visibility
– View or edit opportunities
– Manage orders
– Create an order
– Look up an order with ease
– Edit or modify an order
– Add or delete an order
– Switch back and forth between orders
– View orders
– Filter orders by date, name, list or visibility
– Sort orders by any characteristic
– Create or delete orders
– View orders and create orders
– Manage purchases
– Create a purchase
– Look up a

Business 360

When it comes to managing a business, any tool that can help you perform certain tasks more efficiently may prove to be invaluable, as every minute you save can be spent on more important activities.
Business 360 is a powerful yet easy-to-use piece of software designed to help you stay organized even when you have a lot of things on your mind. It provides you with an easier way to manage your contacts, tasks, opportunities, orders and marketing campaigns.
Store important contact info and schedule activities
A business owner needs to keep in touch with numerous customers, specialists or other persons of interest. This application allows you to store all their details in an extensive database that can be sorted and searched whenever you need to find a certain entry.
Moreover, Business 360 includes a task management system, which can be used to schedule various activities and set up reminders.
Process orders and keep an eye on opportunities
When inserting a new order into the database, you can specify which product is being sold, the quantity and price, as well as the name of the recipient.
If interesting business opportunities should come to your attention, you can save their details, source and current status, so as to ensure you do not forget anything important.
Organize marketing campaigns and analyze your finances
Business 360 enables you to both configure email or SMS-based marketing campaigns and create templates that can be used to send mail and text messages automatically.
Furthermore, the application generates useful charts that help you keep an eye on various indicators. For instance, you can view which products are in demand or track the evolution of your finances over the last few months.
In conclusion, Business 360 is a powerful software solution for companies that wish to streamline their workflow and increase overall productivity. It is relatively easy to use and features a minimalistic, intuitive interface that novices should have no problems with.
Business 360 Download

Keywords: business software, business solution, software, application, app, solutions
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What’s New in the Business 360?

What is Business 360?
Let’s say you’re a business owner and you want to run your company in the most effective way. What you need is a software that will help you organize, process and analyze your business so you can maximize your productivity and profits.
Business 360 is the perfect solution for this problem. With it you can not only track and analyze sales, but also create templates for mail and text message campaigns, send contacts emails and manage all your appointments and tasks.
Even if you’re a newcomer to business software, you will have no problems using Business 360. The program is user friendly, intuitive, and designed to make you feel right at home. It includes a lot of helpful features that will help you save time, make your company run more smoothly and increase your productivity.
Does Business 360 Have Any Limitations?
Business 360 is a standalone application that has no system dependencies. This means that it can be installed on any PC regardless of its operating system. Also, you don’t have to worry about keeping it updated since Business 360 is always up-to-date.
Business 360 is available in two different editions:
Business 360 Pro: Perfect for companies that have several people working on it. You can check the progress of your orders, schedule appointments, process new contacts and perform various other tasks.
Business 360 Enterprise: It is designed to provide you with an easy to use, yet effective way to manage your company. You can track sales, process orders, process and track your contacts, create marketing campaigns, track your expenses and keep an eye on your business over the last few months.
What do you need to start using Business 360?
Business 360 is a standalone application that can be used by anyone to increase their productivity and streamline their workflow. It can be downloaded for free, but if you want the full range of features, you will need to purchase Business 360 Enterprise or Business 360 Pro.
Does Business 360 Have a Support Service?
Yes, Business 360 offers a support service for all its users. All technical issues can be solved via their website or via live chat. If you want to subscribe to the service, you will be able to do so for as long as you own Business 360.
You can find more information about the service on Business 360’s official website.
What is the Cost of Business 360?
Business 360 is a standalone application that can be downloaded for free. However, if you want all the features Business 360 offers, you will need to purchase Business 360 Enterprise or Business 360 Pro.
Enterprise edition costs € 19.95 and it includes:
Sales order processing
Appointment scheduling
Sending contacts’ emails
Processing new contacts
Recurring tasks
Importing contacts
Employee and contract management
Business 360 Pro costs € 19.95 and it includes:
Sales order processing
Appointment scheduling
Sending contacts’ emails!NEW!

System Requirements For Business 360:

Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.0GHz or AMD Athlon X2 2.0GHz
Memory: 256MB RAM
Graphics: 256MB VRAM
DirectX: 9.0
Hard Drive: 700MB available space
Sound Card: Soundblaster-compatible
Additional Notes:
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