AutoCAD 21.0 Incl Product Key Free 📥







AutoCAD Crack Free Download

Photo: Benjiman

AutoCAD Crack Free Download is a professional-grade software that offers a variety of functions and it is suitable for mechanical and architectural design, engineering, construction, and surveying. The table below provides a summary of the various features and functions included in AutoCAD.

AutoCAD Product Features (as of AutoCAD 2018) What’s New? Dimensions Pro Measure, edit, export, track, and compare the dimensions of entities. Displacement Create and display displacement surfaces. Cut and Copy Parts and components from one drawing to another. Design Criteria Design from constraints. Express Design Create and view Autocad drawings using DXF, DWG, and PDF files. Fit and snap by entities. Geometric and Geometric Conversion Convert entities and objects to other types. Grids and X/Y Coordinates Create, display, edit, and export coordinates. Intersect and union by entities. Printing and prepress Get printed output from drawings. Levels Tools for AutoCAD 2018 and higher. Measure, edit, and compare real-world objects. Mass Edit, convert, and calculate mass. Materials and Surfaces Create and display polygonal and polyline surfaces. Measure, edit, and compare. Polyline Construct, edit, and optimize polyline entities. Drafting Tools Create, edit, and optimize geometric entities. Dimensioning Extend dimensions, text, and hatchlines to areas. Design for reuse Keep components from one drawing file in a library and reuse them in new drawings. Link to reference data.

Basic Features:

The Autodesk® AutoCAD® application allows users to design, create, analyze, and visualize a variety of geometrical and other entities such as:

Architectural drawings:

Buildings, walls, windows, doors, partitions, furniture, signs, sculpture, and much more.

Landscaping and gardening drawings:

Plants, trees, shrubs, lawns, and water features.

Mechanical drawings:

Machinery, cars, trucks, trains, trailers, and parts and accessories.

Engineering drawings:

Engines, boilers, transmissions, generators, and parts and accessories.

Civil engineering drawings:

Construction projects, electrical and communication systems, bridges, tunnels, dams, highways, railways, and airports.

Electrical drawings:

Electrical power and lighting systems, mechanical and electronic equipment, and parts and accessories.


AutoCAD Crack +

See also
AutoCAD, an extension of AutoCAD R14 (Autodesk, 2006)
AutoCAD Civil 3D (Autodesk, 2007)
AutoCAD Architecture (Autodesk, 2007)
Autodesk 3ds Max (Autodesk, 2007)



Further reading

Category:Computer-aided design software
Category:Computer-aided design software for Windows
Category:Computer-aided design software for LinuxQ:

PHP: Search for specific value in a multidimensional array

I have a multidimensional array of arrays as follows:
$MyArray = array(
array(“foo” => “foo value”, “bar” => “bar value”, “baz” => “baz value”),
array(“foo” => “foo value”, “bar” => “bar value”, “qux” => “qux value”),
array(“foo” => “foo value”, “bar” => “bar value”, “qux” => “qux value”),
array(“foo” => “foo value”, “bar” => “bar value”, “qux” => “qux value”),

How can I search for the array that contains a specific value in its bar and baz keys?


You can use array_filter to filter your array, and then use array_values to reconstruct it.
$foo = “foo value”;
$bar = “bar value”;
$baz = “baz value”;
$value = array($foo, $bar, $baz);
$arr = array(
array(“foo” => $foo, “bar” => $bar, “baz” => $baz),
array(“foo” => $foo, “bar” => $bar, “qux” => $value),
array(“foo” => $foo, “bar” => $bar, “qux” => $value),
array(“foo” => $foo, “bar” => $bar, “qux” => $value),

$filtered = array_filter($arr, function ($v) use ($value) {
return $v[‘bar’] == $value && $v[‘

AutoCAD Crack+ 2022 [New]

// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2015 Gael Guennebaud
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at


namespace Eigen {

namespace internal {

} // end namespace internal

/** \class SolverBase
* \brief A base class for matrix decomposition and solvers
* \tparam Derived the actual type of the decomposition/solver.
* Any matrix decomposition inheriting this base class provide the following API:
* \code
* MatrixType A, b, x;
* DecompositionType dec(A);
* x = dec.solve(b); // solve A * x = b
* x = dec.transpose().solve(b); // solve A’ * x = b
* x = dec.adjoint().solve(b); // solve A^* * x = b
* \endcode
* \warning Currently, any other usage of transpose() and adjoint() are not supported and will produce compilation errors.
* \sa class PartialPivLU, class FullPivLU
class SolverBase : public EigenBase

typedef EigenBase Base;
typedef typename internal::traits::Scalar Scalar;
typedef Scalar CoeffReturnType;

enum {
RowsAtCompileTime = internal::traits::RowsAtCompile

What’s New in the AutoCAD?

Save the PDF of your drawing to your AutoCAD project file. Share the PDF with others in any CAD program using the Save as PDF command.

Faster navigation with the new Windows Timeline and Customization experience. (video: 2:06 min.)

Autodesk Technical Evangelist Lynn Allen guides you through a different feature or time-saving trick in every video, and writes email guides that are the most product and technology knowledge you will find anywhere in the Autodesk products and resources.

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Related Blog Posts

The Introduction of HyperGraph

We were excited to see a new product in Autodesk 2019 called HyperGraph. For those that are not familiar with HyperGraph, let’s take a look at how it will help you speed up your work with AutoCAD. The new AutoCAD product, HyperGraph, is a standalone product that you can use as your primary CAD application. It’s designed to replace AutoCAD’s traditional behavior, and provide a consistent user experience across all your CAD applications.

HyperGraph provides a new way to navigate and create CAD drawings using a Windows Timeline. To help you get a better understanding of how HyperGraph works, we recorded the following video tutorial to demonstrate the features of HyperGraph.

Note: If you are not familiar with HyperGraph, check out the webinar recording from last year. The webinar is recorded using the New DWG format, but the tutorial will still be applicable to the new DWG formats.

We have always encouraged users to use AutoCAD to do their work. We’ve supported AutoCAD for almost two decades with new releases, new features, and continual development. We have always had a very short upgrade cycle. Now, with the new DWG versions, we are doubling down on that support and investment. We are excited to provide greater value to our customers with AutoCAD, and we hope you will consider these enhancements and return to AutoCAD with the next version of AutoCAD.

Or, you can be one of the first to learn about these new features before they’re officially released. Visit or subscribe to the forums and take advantage of the knowledge and support we offer to AutoCAD users.

For more information on the new DWG versions, including the features described in this article, please watch the following videos:

This is the continuation of the how-to

System Requirements:

Windows 2000 and newer.
Mac OS X 10.4 or newer.
Standalone application; must not be installed to a Windows system.
ADM Game Tools, Replay, or ReplayXchange are required for Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows version. For Mac OS X users, they can be downloaded here.
For Windows users, ADM Game Tools, Replay, or ReplayXchange are required to view your game play via replay. For Linux users, they can be downloaded here.
For the Windows versions of the application, you