Danmachi Volume 5 Epub Download ^HOT^

Danmachi Volume 5 Epub Download ^HOT^


Danmachi Volume 5 Epub Download

The Department of Education submitted the state’s tuition guidelines, which allow certain universities and colleges to increase tuition as much as 12 percent above baseline. PHILADELPHIA — Gov. Tom Wolf today ordered the Department of Education to reverse an automatic increase in Pennsylvania tuition for fall 2017 that was set by previous Republican governors. In a press release, Wolf said the 14.4 percent tuition increase will be phased in over the next two years. “The Republican Party has had its chance to get our fiscal house in order,” Wolf said. “We should no longer tolerate the continued upward creep in tuition at our state universities and colleges, and it’s time for them to no longer take our money with impunity.” The Republican governors of Pennsylvania raised Pennsylvania’s in-state tuition by an average of 6.4 percent in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014. That’s six hikes to Pennsylvania’s total tuition of roughly $6,000 a year. Democrats ran the show under former Gov. Tom Corbett, who won election in 2010 as a tea-party-backed candidate. Wolf has little political capital with members of the Republican party after he supported state funding of abortions with public money in his budget plan in January. “I stand with women, and I stand with students, and I will always support the right of women to make their own reproductive decisions. It’s an issue we all can agree on,” Wolf said. The GOP Governors’ Association issued a statement Tuesday saying “Governor Wolf’s decision to increase college tuition in order to pay for additional abortions in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh defies his promises to keep tuition low.” “In addition to calling for tuition increases for universities and colleges, the governor also asked the General Assembly to cut $1 billion from his budget,” the statement said. “He’s trying to raise tuition and cut core programs that keep tuition low in order to give those additional funds to the state’s largest abortion provider.” Wolf’s move comes as attorneys for the Republican governors are battling the state’s Department of Education for the right to raise tuition — one of many cost-of-living increases Governor Wolf wanted to enact in his budget. They’re arguing tuition hikes aren’t necessary, because the state is facing a budget crisis, and are asking the court to uphold the increases. The party’s goal, they say, is to fund abortions. At the heart of the legal fight is an amendment to the state constitution that states public institutions cannot use state funds for abortions. The public universities and colleges agreed to raise tuition as a revenue source after the budget battles during Corbett’s first two years. The Department of Education approved a 14.4 percent increase in fall 2017, allowing Pennsylvania residents to pay up to $8,000 more on average. This will take effect in August 2017. The increases will take effect over two years starting in August 2017. The Pennsylvania Senate, led by state Republican Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati, approved the increase when Wolf sent his budget proposal to the state. The governor’s budget proposal included the 14.4 percent increase. In January, Wolf said he wasn’t “going to get into the abortion discussion,” but within hours, he changed his tune, and backed the funding of abortions. Wolf spokesman Jake Thompson said he’s still committed to the deal.


