Adventureworksdw 2008 Download High Quality

Adventureworksdw 2008 Download High Quality


Adventureworksdw 2008 Download

the sample data is based on actuals for 12 months of 2008. this helps us to understand how data aggregation is done in ssis and how we can implement it in another package. adventureworks provides set of reports which are identical to those in production. adventureworkssample.bak contains 10 reports – viz. reports, subscription usage, sales summary, sales summary by month, sales summary by day, reports, subscription usage, sales summary, sales summary by month, and sales summary by day.

adventureworks sample database is not a production database and we cannot assume that all of its tables are created. while it is often the case, it is not. the sample database contains a production setup as well as the schema and content information for several samples. it is because of this that we are in a bit of a dilemma. because we have not created the tables, we do not have the table or column names that we can use to map the data. there is a twist to the story. the adventureworks sample database contains a backup of a production database. the backup file contains not only the table schema, but also the content of the tables. if you examine the backup file, you will notice that a “replacement rows” column is present in each of the tables. the replacement rows replace the existing table rows so that if an existing table is missing from the sample database, it is because the original table is not in the sample database. you can locate the files by expanding the backup file in windows explorer. if you use windows explorer to expand the sample database, you will be able to see the files in the \sampledata\adventureworks folder. alternatively, you can right click on the folder and select “open” to view the files.

create a new power bi desktop file, and get data from adventureworksdw, from dimdate, and factinternetsales tables. check the relationship between these tables to be only based on an active relationship between orderdatekey in the factinternetsales and datekey in the dimdate. remove any extra relationships. create a visualization (area chart for example) with salesamount as values, and englishmonthname as axis.
im currently doing an edx course microsoft: dat206x analyzing and visualizing data with excel that is based on excel 2016. ive got excel 2013 and needed a date dimension so thought id use dimdate in adventureworksdw2012 but there wasnt any dates to suit the fact table in the tutorial. my google search found your very helpful script. thank you!!!
the visualization shows following things: for the number of sales by each month. to illustrate how to handle different measures. to handle different dimension dates, and how to handle different dates (i have to create a measures for this)
next, i have demonstrated the same measures but for the for the last year. this part covers also the year wise aggregation. first, you create a measures that will aggregate to the last date. this will be the day number for each period. secondly, create a group, based on the year, and total that number for each month.
for the data model (the data model above), you can see that i have two date range. i split the date range into year wise. e.g 2011 year 1 month 1 is jan and the rest are months of feb, mar, april etc. and the same goes for the 2012 year.