Best Site for download PCchat Free Download [Mac/Win]

The best place to download Windows software is to head over to the software developer website. Yes, this means downloading the software from the developer’s site is better than from the seemingly more trustworthy download managers. So if youve ever downloaded a game from a site that also offered cracked version, youre in safe hands here. Just be sure to read the software description very carefully, however.

Of course, if youre feeling a little lazy, there are plenty of free download sites that offer direct downloads for you to download directly from. If you have the software you want, there are some great independent sites to download from. Try TrustPilot and imazon. Most of the time, theyre safer to download from than most download sites.

Another download center that offers direct downloads for you to download from is Curse. Weve personally used this site to download software in the past, and found the interface to be quite user-friendly and easy to navigate.

The best place to download PC games is most likely to be the developers website. We normally use the Steam client, which is very easy to use and provides us with easy-to-use statistics and graphs to track the progress of our downloads.

If youre looking to download Windows software from anywhere, do make sure you check out the developer website first. If the software is still available there, you can safely download it without fear. If it needs to be bought, then there is always a special edition of the software in the Steam Market. Alternatively, if the version you want isnt available in the marketplace, then try your luck on GOG, DontStarve, or GameStop.
