AutoCAD Crack







AutoCAD Free [2022-Latest]

The software is primarily used for the modeling and drafting of architectural, engineering, construction, and manufacturing projects. AutoCAD has a unique user interface, which differs from those of most computer-aided design programs. While most CAD programs allow the user to manipulate 3D objects, AutoCAD contains unique capabilities that enable the user to “draw” 2D objects directly on drawings.

The design and drafting capabilities of AutoCAD provide a solution to the highly complex problem of the simultaneous design, engineering, and drafting process. As such, it is a leading program in the CAD industry and has been used to create numerous components of major aerospace, automotive, and manufacturing projects. AutoCAD is also used by engineers, architects, surveyors, urban planners, interior designers, drafters, and artists to create very complex drawings and design projects.

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The user interface in AutoCAD is very similar to that of SketchUp, a web-based 3D modeling software program. In the case of the latter, in place of 2D tool palettes there are 3D, and in place of 2D toolbars there are 3D space navigation buttons.

The designers of AutoCAD incorporated a robust, easy to use drawing system, together with a powerful and intuitive data structure and database management system. The AutoCAD database model is based on a hierarchy of objects. The idea is to have a single hierarchy that can support all types of 2D or 3D data objects that may exist within a drawing.

RELATED: Top 50 Autodesk Software Applications

AutoCAD is the leading CAD program in the industry and is constantly growing in use with engineers, architects, surveyors, interior designers, and artists.

The first revision of AutoCAD was released in 1983. This was an early release of a CAD application that was primarily used for drafting and design purposes. AutoCAD Classic was initially released for the Apple II, Tandy-II, TRS-80, IBM PC, and Motorola 6800. The Apple II version was shipped on an 8.5-inch floppy disk, and the Tandy-II and TRS-80 versions were shipped on a 3.5-inch floppy disk. The IBM PC version was shipped on a 3.5-inch floppy disk. The Motorola 6800 version was released on a cassette tape.

By 1985, the release of AutoCAD 1.

AutoCAD For PC

Clipboard automation

The AutoCAD 2003 runtime offers a set of features for clipboard automation. It is based on the AutoCAD’s internal clipboard object, from which the user can access, copy, move and paste drawing data to a selection of clipboard-enabled applications such as Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Office. This version was dropped in AutoCAD 2004.


PostScript (PS) printer

PS output for AutoCAD was the output format of choice for many years, and was supplied for all CAD applications until AutoCAD LT. A single postscript file (PS) is required to output drawings from a 2D, 2.5D or 3D screen layout. The screen layout consists of objects such as text labels, lines, arcs, polylines, splines, circles, text boxes, dimensions and many more.

By default, when AutoCAD is started, it automatically checks for existing files in the same directory where it is installed. If such a file exists, the user is prompted to choose a screen layout for the output. If the user chooses to print to a file, a new file name will be generated and the output placed in that directory. The new file name is automatically assigned a date and time stamp and appears in the name of the file to differentiate the output from other screen layouts. If the user chooses to print to a printer, they are prompted to choose a printer, the directory where the files are to be printed and, if necessary, the paper size. The AutoCAD Application Programming Interface (API) provides tools for programming the AutoCAD screen layouts to print documents.

PostScript (PS) as a native file format
AutoCAD LT was initially designed as a PostScript only application. The native file format was PostScript 3.0.

Since the release of AutoCAD LT 2005, AutoCAD LT also supports PostScript Portable Document Format (PDF). A native, high-quality PostScript is always the format of choice for printable documents.

AutoCAD 2010 continued to support printing in postscript. This continues to be the default file type for output. It was also possible to export 2D drawings to the PDF format. It was also possible to use the Adobe Photoshop PDF printer to print a selection of objects from within a drawing.

Printable documents
In AutoCAD LT 2005, one of the core design functions was the printing of drawings from within the 2D layout. Previously, a

AutoCAD Crack +


CLASSID: clsid:B962AF82-9E36-11CF-A8D8-00AA005783DA
CREATEPROPERTYDEF: “TypeName” = “Autocad 2008 v13”
CREATEPROPERTYDEF: “Class” = “Autocad type”
CREATEPROPERTYDEF: “Extension” = “v”
CREATEPROPERTYDEF: “PropertyName” = “Version”
CREATEPROPERTYDEF: “PropertyType” = “int”
CREATEPROPERTYDEF: “Description” = “v1.0”
CREATEPROPERTYDEF: “Icon” = “cad.ico”
CREATEPROPERTYDEF: “ExecutableName” = “CAD 2008”
CREATEPROPERTYDEF: “DllName” = “CAD2008.dll”
CREATEPROPERTYDEF: “RegKey” = “Software\Autodesk\CAD\Registration”
CREATEPROPERTYDEF: “ExePath” = “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\CAD 2008”
CREATEPROPERTYDEF: “ManifestPath” = “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\CAD 2008\Manifest.xml”


CLASSID: clsid:B962AF8C-9E36-11CF-A8D8-00AA005783DA
CREATEPROPERTYDEF: “TypeName” = “Autocad 2010 v13”

What’s New In AutoCAD?

When you import a new drawing file, check for syntax and semantics errors. AutoCAD may detect and automatically correct a wide range of problems and provide feedback, including highlighting of problematic areas. (video: 1:26 min.)

If you make a change to a textbox in a drawing that has markup enabled, AutoCAD inserts a dashed line around the textbox. Markup Assist makes the text box editable, allowing you to add, delete, or change text in the drawing. (video: 1:36 min.)

Edit comments within your drawings. Edit comments in a drawing file to specify drawing types, textbox location, or other edits. You can use keyboard shortcuts to navigate to the desired comment and edit it. You can also use the command line to edit or remove comments. (video: 1:37 min.)

Navigate design data using expression-based dialog boxes. Filter objects by attributes, and provide options for their properties when viewing or annotating design data in an expression-based dialog box. (video: 1:19 min.)

Add a bitmap to a page. When you import a graphics file into a drawing, you can also add the graphics to a page with the Page Layout tab, Page Setup dialog box, or the command line. You can resize the graphic and position it anywhere on the page. (video: 1:32 min.)

Use the design history to access previously imported drawing files. The design history allows you to view, annotate, and re-import previously imported drawings from within the application, or access from the command line or other sources. (video: 1:23 min.)

Use the new editing interface for the parametric surface generator. Use the editing interface to interactively edit parametric surfaces. (video: 1:42 min.)

Line orientation

Controls for feature animation

You can animate 3D features to create virtual walkthroughs. With the new feature animation controls, you can quickly view and preview the animated result in a sidebar window.

Coordinate system

You can use the new Coordinate System dialog box to switch from geographic coordinates to projection-based coordinates or to switch to a rotated coordinate system.

Spline drawing tools

You can use the new Spline tool to draw closed or open spline curves. The tool has visual and interactive control, allowing you to edit or control the shape of the spline curve.

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

Windows 10 64-bit
Windows 8 64-bit
Windows 7 64-bit
Vista 64-bit
Windows XP 64-bit
Windows Server 2012 R2 64-bit
Windows Server 2012 64-bit
1.8 GHz Processor
2 GHz Processor
1.5 GB RAM
2 GB